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Let us help you find your next dream job!

Sirius Hire is a niche job board. Our services allow candidates to connect with employers who are looking to hire in the administrative, IT, sales and marketing fields. All resumes are pre-screened to make the hiring process more efficient. Post your resume for FREE by creating an account today! 

Resume Writing

Overwhelmed, stuck, or don’t have the time or energy to immerse yourself in the nuances of resume best practices? Let Sirius Hire help! Our resume experts will review and rewrite or write your resume to help set you apart and land the job. We offer two packages for our professional resume rewrite and writing services.

Resume Review

Sirius Hire resume review services focus on evaluating and enhancing your existing resume. Candidates submit their self-crafted resume, and one of our experts will provide detailed feedback on how you can improve it and suggest improvements to fine-tune your document for success.

Mock Interview

A mock interview mirrors an actual job interview. It gives you an opportunity to practice what to say and do during an interview and get feedback. Whether it’s face-to-face, online, or through a webcam, a mock interview is useful in reviewing your answers to common interview questions and assessing other factors such as your outfit, mannerisms, and body language. The first step in acing a real interview is to set up a mock interview. Let us help you succeed!

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Resume Design

The most important thing when applying for jobs is your resume. We create tailor made resumes to fit your needs or if you already have a template and just need guidance – we are here for that too! No matter your need or line of work, we are here to help.

Let us help you get hired!

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