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Practice does, in fact, make perfect

Looking to practice and improve your interview skills? Consider signing up for a mock interview with Sirius Hire. We offer phone and virtual mock interviews to get you ready for any interview that comes your way.

What is a mock interview?

Our team of trained interviewers will actively interview you and provide constructive feedback on how you can improve. Our team can offer you interview prep in various ways:

  • Virtual mock interviews

    It’s the new way to interview and we’re here to help. Meet with your interviewer using a virtual platform and hone your skills in real-time. Virtual interviews are recorded so you can see for yourself how you did.

  • Phone mock interviews

    Some times we get lucky and only have a phone interview! Although this option provides less  room for our interviewers to critique your mannerisms, eye contact, etc. It is very effective in critiquing tone and your answers. This option does not recorded. 

Why schedule a mock interview?

  • Practice your interview answers 

  • Receive feedback from trained interviewers  

  • Practice interview questions related to your job or industry 

  • Opportunity to observe yourself in an interview situation 

Our Process

Fill out our online form

One of our interviewers will reach out to you within 1-2 business days to discuss nexts steps and set up a interview time convenient for you.

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